Monday, July 12, 2010

Our Garden

This year we started our first garden. We began with planting three blueberry bushes. From there we built one above ground bed lined with newsprint and bordered with concrete blocks. We had a good rich mix of dirt to plant our cauliflower and 196 onions. Yes, I love onions. My garden monster sister Gina gave us some zucchini, squash, cucumber and tomato plants but we were too busy for a while to get them planted. Time....this was our main problem.

Still, my cauliflower was gigantic! Too gigantic, in fact. And with all the onions we were out of room. But my cauliflower was eaten by bugs, so three days after Memorial Day I pulled it up and planted the cucumbers, squash, more tomatoes and zucchini.

At this point, the onions are all pulled and, while my neighbor's garden is all finished, I'll be picking my second cucumber and my first tomato today! We are also getting a small but steady stream of blueberries even this first year.

Here are some pictures of our garden taken a few days ago. Blueberries first!

Ahhhh...Yummy blueberries, which Eli loves to eat. And we are so happy about that!

Cucumbers and squash...not sure which kind yet. Ha! Tomatoes and, of course, the garden frog.

Now these tomatoes are bigger and almost red! The biggest one will be picked today!
This is my volunteer squash...butternut squash we think. Steve calls it my pet squash. To the right of it was my pet tater plant that produced 5 ugly little potatoes I was too afraid to eat.
Hope we get enough veggies to share. Next year we will plow a big spot in the back for a whopper garden. Wish us luck tilling and mulching this fall and winter. Compost should be easier with the compost tumbler my sister Robyn is giving us. Woohoo!

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